


There aren’t many things that impact your life as much as your spending patterns. Understanding how you manage your money can decrease your stress levels, 帮你省更多钱, 为未来设定目标. 如果你不知道自己的消费模式, you won’t know which financial habits to change to make the most of your money. 

Why is it we often spend money on things we know we don’t need or can’t afford? There are three key aspects to the psychology of why consumers spend:

  • 情感诉求 玩弄我们的感情. 我们经常购买那些我们认为会让我们快乐的东西, 会给别人留下深刻印象, 或者防止不好的事情发生.
  • 填补空白 with spending is a common tactic when placed in unfortunate circumstances. The choices that are involved in shopping (and not just in browsing) can bolster your sense of personal control.
  • 存在偏见 及时提出挑战. The appeal of acquiring something today is always stronger than the appeal of acquiring something in the future. 

每一种策略都通过广告得到加强. Advertising can be beneficial to consumers – introducing you to new products and showing potential discounts or deals. But if you’re not careful, advertising can also make a large impact on your spending patterns.  1990年,一个城市的消费者每天看到大约2000条广告信息. Thirty years later, consumers in a city see about 5,000 每天的广告信息. 零售商使用品牌忠诚度之类的策略, 重复, and glossing over costs to lure consumers and convince them to spend their money. 即使广告是下意识的, this can later have an impact on your choices when selecting products or brands.

1990年,一个城市的消费者看到 2,000 每天的广告信息

到2020年,同样的消费者会看到 5,000 每天的广告信息

How do you avoid making unwise purchases, influenced by advertising versus your own true needs? It’s important to understand these techniques and implement them in your financial life: 


It’s impossible to know if you’re spending too much money until you know how much cash is actually leaving your account. 一些常用的追踪开支的策略是支票登记簿, 电子表格, or budgeting apps — it’s most important to find the way that fits into your lifestyle. 

You should first include fixed expenses such as your mortgage or rent, 汽车贷款支付, 健身房的会员卡, 保险, 儿童保育费用.  下一个, 你需要考虑汽油等可变费用, 食品杂货, 信用卡账单, 和娱乐. 最后, take your periodic expenses into consideration such as medical bills, 汽车维修, 礼物, 和休假制度. It’s important to plan ahead for these expenses to avoid unnecessary debt.

一旦你收集了所有的费用, compare those costs to your monthly income and see how your spending stacks up with your paycheck. Consider meeting one-on-one with a budgeting professional from 好的赌博软件推荐 to create a customized strategy that works for you. 


Setting realistic goals is an important part of any good savings strategy. A great starting place is to set the goal of saving $1,000 as a dedicated emergency fund. 然而, once you reach the goal it can be tempting to use that money for items that may not be a true emergency. 在元素, we recommend asking these three questions before taking any money out of an emergency account:

  • 这笔费用出乎意料吗??
  • 这笔费用是绝对必要的吗?
  • 这笔费用紧急吗??

如果你能对所有这些问题都回答“是”, 你可能有一笔支出值得动用你的应急基金. 否则, consider other ways to pay for the item or put it on hold until you’ve saved dedicated funds for it.


While being confident you have the financial stability to handle an unexpected expense is important, it’s also critical to plan for future life events and milestones such as your child’s education and retirement. 

We highly recommend creating two separate savings accounts so your emergency fund and standard savings account are in two different places. 给你的账户贴上标签也能帮助你走向成功. Most online and mobile banking tools (including at 元素) allow you to give each account a name to serve as a constant reminder of your goals. 



  • 直接存款: Send a portion of your paycheck to a savings account without even having to think about it.
  • 48小时的规则: 花两天时间考虑是否要购买大宗商品或超出预算的商品.
  • 重新分配截止日期: 调整你的账单到期日期,使之与你的薪水保持一致.

仔细记录你的开支, 为紧急情况制定计划, 建立一个储蓄账户, you’ll take better control of your spending and make your money work harder for you!



从你的钱中获得更多 5.00 % 1 新帐户持有人,为期12个月,余额不超过20,000元

了解更多 开户

此信息仅供参考. 它不构成法律、税务或财务建议. Consult with your tax, legal or financial adviser before taking any action.


我们的移动应用程序使您的所有帐户在您的指尖24/7. We've even included 预算工具 within the app to help you manage your money like a pro.




  • 哪个赌钱app比较好 & 账单支付
  • 移动支票存款


  • 增加了元素信用卡和借记卡的安全性
  • 卡锁技术
  • 卡片活动通知
  1. 1 宣传片5高息支票(宣传片提示) 高息支票帐户是否有混合利率等级, meaning the stated dividend rate will be paid on the portion of the balance for each tier. Tier 1获得促销5.存款余额最高可达$20,000的00%固定年度百分比收益率(年).自开户之日起12个月内,须缴付00英镑. *Tier 2支付的混合年利率为5.00% to 2.2万美元起计的余额为02%.01 to $50,000.00美元,是可变的,可以随时更改,恕不另行通知. 要获得一级或二级股息率,需要15笔符合条件的交易 每个报表周期必须在账户上张贴吗. The statement cycle includes all transactions posted after the last business day of the prior month through the last business day of the current month. Accounts not meeting the qualifying transaction threshold will earn 0.05%的年利率是可变的,可能随时发生变化. 截至2024年4月1日,费率是准确的. On the first day of the month following the account opening anniversary month, the 宣传片5高息支票(宣传片提示) 年 will automatically convert to the then current non-promotional 高息支票 account 年 which is variable and may change at any time without notice. 活期高息支票帐户持有人, Promo 4 高息支票 account holders and those with any 高息支票 accounts closed less than 180 days are not eligible. An existing 高息支票 account cannot be converted to the 宣传片5高息支票(宣传片提示) account. Limit one 宣传片5高息支票(宣传片提示) account per person. 其他资格也可能适用. 促销优惠可随时终止. 只有下列交易符合资格: Debit card purchases, 检查, 账单支付, ATM取款和ACH取款. 没有其他交易符合条件. 至少有一个账户持有人必须年满18岁. 费用可能会减少收入.